A chamber of commerce is a voluntary association whose membership is comprised of companies, civic leaders and individual business people. At the local level, chambers of commerce strive to develop and publicize business opportunities in their communities. Local chambers of commerce offer a range of programs and services to their members, including information and advice on timely business matters, opportunities for networking and a variety of publications. Local chambers of commerce also provide their members with numerous opportunities — committees, special events and more — in which to express their specific views and concerns.
Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber is not operated under a government or municipality. It is a 501(c)6 organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Virginia. A chamber of commerce is a voluntary association whose membership is comprised of companies, civic leaders and individual business people.
Many of the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber’s members provide lodging, entertainment, shopping and more while you are visiting Virginia.. You can learn more about these options by visiting our Business Directory. For the most in-depth tourist information call (540) 434-3862.
You can visit the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chambers Job Posting to look for your next job. We also have several members who provide employment services. They can be found in our Business Directory.
Make your grand opening celebration or ribbon cutting ceremony an event with impact! The Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce offers assistance during your planning process, ceremonial scissors and ribbon for your ribbon cutting. In addition, we can provide you with a media and dignitary mailing list for your invitations and press releases. Assistance with a grand opening or ribbon cutting is an exclusive benefit for Chamber members.